Kids’ Crafts That Are Fun for the Whole Family

Kids’ Crafts That Are Fun for the Whole Family

Crafting is the perfect bonding activity. There’s nothing better than gathering around the table and getting messy with some art supplies. This article will discuss kids’ crafts that are fun for the whole family. Soon, craft night will be a weekly occurrence.

Molding Handprints and Footprints

Molding handprints and footprints is a super-fun craft that everyone will enjoy. Parents should start by picking up the appropriate supplies at their local crafting store (most stores sell complete kits with everything you need). Once they have everything they need, it’s best to bring the kiddos outside to avoid making a mess indoors. The little ones will have a blast dipping their hands and feet into wet cement. The kit will tell you how long to keep hands and feet in the cement before letting the mold settle. Kiddos can place their hands and feet in the mold as they get older to see how much they’ve grown.

This craft is also perfect for parents with babies. It’s best if one parent distracts the baby while the other takes on the task of getting the imprint. It should also be noted that the little one’s clothing may get dirty in the process. Luckily, allthebabies has top-of-the-line organic vegan baby clothes for babies who need a fresh change of clothes after a messy craft.


Kite-making is another kid craft that’s fun for the whole family. Luckily, summer is the perfect time to fly a kite. Making a kite is simple and inexpensive. All you need is some string, sticks, and a piece of bright fabric that won’t get lost in the sky. Parents and their youngsters can watch a YouTube video on how to get started or buy a kite-making kit with all supplies included. Once everyone has made the perfect kite, it’s time to see what they can do. Enjoy some outdoor time as a family, and let the summer breeze carry the creations into the sky.

Macaroni Art

Who doesn’t love good old-fashioned macaroni art? Parents trying to keep their little ones busy this summer should give this craft a try. Again, adults can pick up some essential supplies at a local crafting store. Cover your crafting table with a cloth because things are bound to get messy. Adults should allow their youngsters to be creative. Everyone can make their own macaroni masterpiece and hang them on the wall when they’re finished. When every family member is done, the perfect at-home art wall will be complete.

Every parent wants what’s best for their children. That’s why adults reiterate the importance of fruits and vegetables. It’s also why parents should consider making family crafting night a weekly ritual. Crafting encourages kiddos to be creative and think outside the box. Plus, it’s an excellent way to bond as a family.

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